The Museum Institute
The Museum Institute
We aim to have educational programs that match our products. And have been lucky to have a number of field and subject matter experts assist us on everything from product inclusion to instructional design.
ARCHIVE: The Museum Institute™ thanks, Dr. Lori A. Brown, is a specialist in Greek and Roman antiquities, roman languages and literature, and technology for instructional purposes.
Dr. Lori A Brown, Scholar in Residence (Previous)
Dr. Brown is a magna cum laude graduate in Classics and has taught Spanish and Hispanic Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Denver University. She brings to the Institute not only a breadth of knowledge in the humanities, but also unique technical and statistical abilities, having taught doctoral students in graduate programs of Instructional Design and Technology.
Known in the field as an expert in visual aesthetics and primary source instructional design, Dr. Brown will work to secure grants for the purpose of promoting digital preservation and universal access to museum resources.
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