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  • Durrow Cross - Co. Offaly, Ireland - Museum Store Company Photo

Durrow Cross - Co. Offaly, Ireland

$78.00 $59.85
(You save $18.15)

Product Description

This 9th century High Cross still survives at the site of Durrow Abbey, near the town of Tullamore. The Abbey, known as Field of Oaks was founded by St. Columba in 553. Though it was plundered and burned several times during the Dark Ages, the much weathered High Cross remains. The abbey was the source of the 7th century “Book of Durrow" which is now in the library of Trinity College in Dublin. 1. The Raised Christ, where Christ, flanked on each side by an angel, is literally raised above two apostles, Peter and Paul, they hold a book open in front of him. 2. A panel of four interlace knots 3. The Sacrifice of Isaac The centre of the head shows Christ bearing the scepter and cross-staff normally associated with The Last Judgment. On the left of Christ is an angel blowing a trumpet and David with his harp. On the right an angel in adoration and David laying the lion.

15" x 7" : Cast Stone, Celtic Art Collection, Made in the U.S.A.

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