Product Description
ABC's of Jesus. Always there for you, Best friend unquestionably, Cares about you, Delights in you, Eternally keeps you, Favors your well being, Good to all mankind, Has your future planned, Interested in every par of life, Justifies you before God, Keeps evil from prevailing, Loves you immeasurably, Never leaves or forsakes you, Operates in mercy, Peace that calms the storm, Quick to forgive you, Rest for your weary soul, Sticks closer than a brother, Tears down spiritual walls, Understands you totally, Very kind and merciful, Woos you with His love, S-rays the motives of the heart, Yearns for your fellowship, Zealous for your love. James Howard Frame is 6" x 16" x .75"
Framed Print : 6" x 16" x .75" : Made in the U.S.A.